What is Yeast Infection?

A lot of women, at some point in their life, may ask, "What is yeast infection?" Yeast infection, also known as candidiasis or thrush, is a fungal infection that comes from the Candida yeast. There are many different types of this kind of infection, not just one certain type. These include oral thrush, superficial infections, vaginitis, and systematic to life-threatening ailments. This ailment is actually quite common and can be very minor, if taken seriously. You do not want to let a little problem grow into a larger one because you did not take it seriously and get it taken care of.

Many people that encounter this type of yeast infection probably have vaginitis. This occurs when the vagina gets inflamed and swollen. Statistics actually show that 75% of all women have reported to having this type of yeast infection at some point in their life. This is something that is very common, and a lot of women can relate to. There are several causes to this type of ailment, but one of the most common reasons is bacteria and yeast.

The main thing that causes vaginitis is an increase in the amount of yeast in the vaginal area. It can either be from a new kind of yeast or a build up of yeast that can cause this problem. No matter which is the cause of the problem, you will need to get it treated right away.

Another common way that you can get this ailment is by having the inner part of your vagina injured. Women with lower immune systems will get these infections easier and more frequently than women with better immune systems and whose body can fight off the infection.

Many think this type of infection is considered to be an STD, but it is not. There are ways of spreading the pain and discomfort of this ailment through sexual activity, though. This means, if a woman has a yeast infection and has sex, the man can get the bacteria and yeast on his penis, thus causing inflammation and discomfort for the man.

There are many different symptoms that can come along with having a yeast infection. The one most common symptom is itching in the infected area. Other things may include, but are not limited to, burning sensations, soreness, vaginal discahrge, and pain and discomfort during intercourse.

When you think you may have a problem, you need to consult a doctor right away. It is very important that you do something to get the problem treated as soon as possible so that you can minimize your discomfort levels, and don’t further hurt yourself.

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