Yeast Infection and Pregnancy

Yeast infection and pregnancy are strongly correlated. In fact, women are more likely to experience a yeast infection during pregnancy than during any other time in her life. The hormonal fluctuations that women go through during pregnancy is what causes the yeast to grow. Yeast infections can occur at any point in a woman's pregnancy, but are most likely to occur during the second trimester.

It is important to note that a yeast infection causes no harm to a woman or her baby, but it can be quite bothersome. That is why a woman who suspects that she has a yeast infection; should see her doctor immediately for treatment. Redness, itching and pain around the vaginal area are signs of a yeast infection. Some women may also experience a cottage cheese-like discharge coming from their vagina. A burning feeling during intercourse is another symptom of a yeast infection.

A doctor will usually prescribe the patient a cream or a suppository. There are many medications that have been approved to treat yeast infections, but it is not known whether or not they are safe during pregnancy. A woman may also choose to use home remedies such as apple cider or yogurt, but it is wise to always consult with a doctor first.

Most yeast infections clear up with a prescription cream or suppository, but some may be harder to treat. If a woman does not experience improvement within three days, it is wise to consult with a doctor again. Additionally, if the symptoms become worse a woman should consult her doctor.

It is harder to prevent yeast infections during pregnancy, but there are so steps that a woman can take to reduce her chance of getting one. Wearing loose-fitting clothes that allows the vaginal area to breathe is one of the things that a woman can do to reduce her risk of getting a yeast infection. Many women use feminine deodorants and douche and these practices should be avoided because they increase the chance of getting a yeast infection. Yeast feeds sugar so a woman should make sure that she keep her intake of it low. There has also been evidence to suggest that eating yogurt can prevent yeast infections.

Yeast infections are a common concern for pregnant women, but they can easily be treated and prevented. Yeast infection and pregnancy are strongly correlated, but it is important to note that it is not a major health issue.

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